Using the power of research to inform ICT integration in education

Archive for 07/03/2012

What is the impact of performance system-based instruction with peer instruction on student learning?

Tracy Michelle Hunter Allison (2012) The Impact of Classroom Performance System-Based Instruction with Peer Instruction Upon Student Achievement and Motivation in Eighth Grade Math Students, A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Education Liberty University January, 2012

The results of this study indicated that eighth grade students who received Classroom Performance System (CPS) based math instruction combined with Peer Instruction (PI) showed a statistically significant difference in posttest scores compared to eighth grade students who received CPS-based math instruction without PI. The findings from this study also demonstrated that student mean scores for motivation were statistically significantly different on two out of four subscales for eighth grade students who received CPS-based math instruction in conjunction with PI compared to eighth grade students who did not receive CPS-based math instruction with PI. Thus, this study suggests that the variable of PI used in conjunction with CPS has a positive effect on enhancing student achievement and certain aspects of student motivation in eighth grade students.

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